• What is an approved IRS 1035 Exchange?

    Investors can also do partial 1035 exchanges for a portion of the total contract amount. In this case, the transferring company should notify the new company of the exchange amount that is investment versus gain, because any gain is subject to ordinary income taxes when withdrawn. Some companies do not recognize partial 1035 exchanges for tax reporting purposes.

    A tax professional should be consulted to properly track these amounts in the contract.

    Nonetheless, a 1035 exchange can be an effective tool for contract holders who want to exchange older contracts for current, more useful ones.

    NOTE: see What is a 1035 Exchange

  • How do I avoid paying TAXES on the exchange?

    Named after Section 1035 of the Internal Revenue Code, a 1035 exchange allows life insurance policy owners (and annuity contract owners) to exchange an old policy (or contract) for a new one from a different insurance company without tax consequences. Of course, the exchange must meet the requirements of Section 1035 in order for the transaction to be tax-free.NOTE: tax is due on interest gain only when you withdraw money.. Not exchanging

    This strategy can be especially beneficial to a person who purchased a life insurance policy or annuity contract many years ago that has less favorable contract stipulations than those available today!

  • How does the Bucket Strategy work?

    The idea behind the three-bucket (or 4 ) strategy is simple: You keep your money in three different buckets based on when you think you’ll need it.

    Short-term bucket. This is money you think you’ll need to access in the next one to four years. Consider keeping it in cash, such as high-yield savings accounts or Annuities with staggered maturity date , Laddering and Layering your assets and updating policies and living benefits are key.

    Medium-term bucket. If you think you’ll need the money in the next five to seven years, consider holding it in income-producing, relatively “safe” assets like Income Annuities. This can help you keep pace with inflation.

    Long-term buckets. Finally, the money you want to grow over the long haul can be kept in assets for future use or Legacy planning.Groth Annuities with Income riders and alternate assets, such as passive Real Estate investing prove to to be will worth it. This is money you don’t think you’ll need for at least seven to 10 years, so there should be time to grow and replenish the other buckets.

  • What is the Self~ Guided way to choose my own Rate and start the Process of Exchanging My annuity?

    It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

  • I would like a Annuity Relief to create a custom Income plan for me... what next?

    Quite easy actually, just Click on the Navigate Retirement button Button on the Home page to start the process.

    You also can use the Self ~Guided path to look at the current Rates and Benefits at the same time to get clearer picture of which direction you would to proceed with.

    We will receive your Info and set a consultation time,

    Thank you.

  • Is there someone close to I can talk to in person?


    I handle the Carolinas and Ohio. We also have vetted, licensed and experienced Agents in our exclusive Network in most states. Most of us have been working together for over 12 years. Other vetted Professional Income Licensed agents State you can plan with and meet.

    Directly connected agents:

    Florida-Georgia-Texas-Arizona-Penn.-Tennesee-California-Ohio-Kentucky-Utah-Arkansas-South Dakota-North Dakota- Nebraska-Oregon-Virginia-South Carolina-North Carolina- Indiana

    *Affiliates in most other States.

  • Also visit Myrtlebeachfinacial.com

    Relevant and up to date Retirement Calculators, Videos and Articles.

    See also or glossary of terms and Tax Library.

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